A+ Summer Jobs is an experiential education resource for college students that covers career-focused internships and "fun" summer jobs with over 2,000 employers.
We accept no money from employers for listing in our service and independently research all employers. Approximately 350,000 seasonal positions are available each year through the employers we profile, and we also help prepare students for their work experience with 350+ pages of detailed descriptions about what to expect and over a dozen on-site videos. In addition, our automated application tools help students develop a detailed resume and cover letter, even if they have never made them before.
A+ Summer Jobs is a free service - feel free to link to us and refer your students here for summer and seasonal job options.
Our team has over 30 years of cumulative experience developing printed and multimedia products that have been recommended by publications such as US News and World Report and used by colleges nationwide.
A+ Summer Jobs is currently under revision and will be reopened for the 2013 season.
We look forward to working with you!