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What is an Internship?

As an intern, you will work for a company, non-profit organization or government agency for reduced wages or for no pay at all. Before you cry foul, the most important thing to remember is that an internship is a trade off - in exchange for hands on career experience and a foot in the door for a job after college, you donate your time and resources for the benefit of the company. In addition, college credit may be available depending on your school and the employer. Over the past decade, internships have become extremely popular as both students and businesses learn the benefits of participating in a quality internship program.

Internships may take place during the summer in the form of a full-time job or they may take place during the semester as a part-time job. While the "right" internship program will vary with every student, we urge you to consider a full-time internship to get the maximum benefit of the experience. Full-time internships tend to be more formalized programs that allow interns to make more of a direct contribution to a particular project, learn company culture and make more lasting professional contacts.

For many students, internships are the first exposure to the business world and the competitive professional job market. To get an internship, students must follow the steps of any job hunter – completing and updating a resume, writing a cover letter, and participating in interviews. While internships may not pay as well as regular jobs, they can be just as competitive with dozens, if not hundreds, of job seekers applying for internships with the most high profile companies and organizations.

One of the realities of internships is that many offer little, if any, pay. This fact can be a major consideration for students struggling to pay for school. In the same way that an investment in stocks or real estate may take years to pay off, an internship may also be considered an investment in your future career. The fact that more money may need to be borrowed for school because of not saving money with a regular job during the summer shouldn’t automatically deter students from an internship, but it should make students picky about the internship they commit to. There may be a lot of difference between interning for a Fortune 500 company and interning for a smaller company, in terms of both the tasks you will complete during the internship and the future appeal of the internship on your resume. Which is best depends on your career goals and other factors. If you are unsure about an internship opportunity, ask your career counselor for help or ask to be introduced to someone who completed an internship with the company you are considering.

Financial considerations aside, quality internships like the ones profiled on A+ Summer Jobs are a win / win situation for any student. They offer true work experience – something that college cannot teach.

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